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In 1994, when blogs began, a blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online. In this online journal, you could talk about your daily life or share about things that you were doing. Then, people saw an opportunity to communicate information in a new way online. Thus began the beautiful world of blogging.

What Is a blog? 

A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. The word blog is a combined version of the words “web” and “log.” It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

What is the purpose of a blog?

So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. Another one is to boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.

Main Features of a Blog

What does a blog look like?

A blog consists of a series of posts. While the appearance of your blog can vary depending on the platform and design choices made by the blogger, here are some common elements you may find in a typical blog.


Every blog must have some important pages -


The top section of a blog often contains your blog's title or logo, along with a navigation menu that helps visitors explore different sections or categories of the blog.

Content body

This is where the content of your blog posts is displayed. Each post usually includes a title, author name, date of publication, and the main content of the post, which can include text, images, videos, or other multimedia.



A blog may have a sidebar on one or both sides of the main content area. The sidebar often contains additional information or features such as a search bar, recent posts, popular posts, categories, tags, social media links etc.



Many blogs allow readers to leave comments on their posts. The comments section typically appears below the main content of each post



The bottom section of your blog usually contains copyright information, links to your privacy policy and terms of service,


These elements provide a general overview of what a blog looks like, but blogs may have unique layouts or additional features based on your chosen platform and your design choices.


Types of blogs

Food blogs

 Travel blogs

 Health and fitness blogs

 Lifestyle blogs

 Fashion and beauty blogs

 Parenting blogs

 Business blogs

 Sports blogs

 Art blogs etc.


What is blog post writing?

Blog posts are those articles one has shared or published on his blog. Those contents which you want to share on the worldwide web when you publish them on your blog, it becomes blog posts. A blog must have at least thirty blog posts in it. Every blog post must have at least 500-700 words and at least 1 image on each blog post.  Each blog post must be original content. One must not copy from other sites for creating content on his blog, you can research about a topic before you write your content but write it in your words, never copy or replicate any content for your blog, there must be originality.

English Blog post writing format pattern for HSC Class 11 and Class 12


  • 2--HEADLINE 








  • Social Awareness

  • Environmental Issue

  • Health

  • Personality Development


1. Earth with no Trees

Trees are not only our best friends but our life. They are an important part of our ecology as they produce oxygen on which human beings exist. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which we human beings and wild life breath. There would be no rain if there were no trees. Trees absorb water through roots and release during transpiration. Trees keep environment moist. They help to prevent soil erosion.

Trees also conserve rainwater. Sometimes dead trees fall on the soil and gets buried. It is a scientifically proven fact that trees control sound pollution. This is the reason why trees are planted at the strategic locations like highways, near factories and near airports. Trees conserve energy, save water, shield us from dangerous UV rays.

If there were no trees, there would be no life. We would not get food, clothing, shelter and the most important, oxygen, on which survival depends. There would be no rainfall. Temperature on the earth would increase and ultimately not only human but also life of every small creature would be in danger.

2. Say ‘No’ to Tobacco

In India every year about 2 millions die due to tobacco and its effects. It is the biggest enemy of public health. Tobacco is one of the causes of cancer. A smokers puts not only his life but the life of others in danger. Inhaling the smoke from cigarettes, cigars or pipes we too intake tobacco which is hazardous to life. Bronchitis, liver cancer and prostrate cancer are gifts of tobacco. Around 15% of teenagers are addicted to tobacco, it is therefore necessary to create awareness. After all ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’. Creating grassroot level awareness is a must.

Everyone should make an effort to educate youngsters about the ill effects of tobacco. At the same time, there should be government control over sale of tobacco products. Strict action should be taken on companies selling tobacco illegally in remote as well as rural areas. At the same time, strict action also must be taken to reinforce the already existing ban on the sale of tobacco products  near educational institutes. Health check-up camp must be organized regularly to detect oral diseases specially cancer. Mass-media should be aggressively used to campaign against tobacco.

3. Man vs Nature

Human beings are the creation of nature. Humans get food, clothing water, shelter, air and a ton of other things from nature. Our mother earth is a unique planet where conditions are suitable for life. Breathing is the most necessary and natural action for every moment which depends on the nature. But we are behaving carelessly on the planet. We hurt nature due to our carelessness.

We have set up millions of factories on the earth which create and increase air pollution. Smoke from vehicle is added daily. This causes pollution and affects our health too. At the same time, we go on cutting tress which actually are our best friends. Besides greed for the forest products, humans greed for encroaching forest land for his use is increasing day by day. As a result of it, wild life is also in danger. There are vast reservoirs of pure drinking water on the globe but we are using it carelessly and polluting it.

It has been noted by researches that in coming 50 years there will scarcity of oil. Global warming is hazardous for everyone. It is creating problems to Glaciers. Not only man but other animals are also creations of the nature but we have put their life too in danger. As a result we don’t find the small bird ‘sparrow’ in polluted cities. Actually by keeping this attitude towards nature, man is digging his own grave. Nature is powerful enough to correct hostile actions of human beings. If nature decides to correct human actions, flood, tsunami, famine, anything can be the result. Therefore it is the need of time that humans should live smartly in harmony with nature and respect nature too.

4.Child Labour: A Curse to Humanity

Child Labour is a curse to humanity. Children are supposed to go to school, enjoy and learn but are found to be working. They are the most important asset of the society but poverty, illegitimacy, problem of unemployment make them do odd jobs. We are also responsible for this problem of child labour. This problem is more common in underdeveloped nation and thus needs to be corrected.

Protecting children from being child labourers is the responsibility of not only government but of each and every citizen. Use of children as a helping hand on own farm was common but the things changed after industrialization. Various factory owners appointed children and we find many children doing dangerous tasks in industries like fire crackers, carpet industries. In such industries their life is found to be in danger. In pencil making industry they are subjected to lung diseases, In carpet making industries they can lose their eyesight and in fire crackers industry they are exposed to dangerous chemicals. All this must be avoided and banned at the earliest.

To curb this, children from poor strata of the society should be provided with education and teenagers with vocational training. Education will create awareness among them. Some arrangement of providing them nutritious food should also be made by the Government and NGOs. To eradicate the problem of child labour, meticulous planning not only by the government but also by ‘us’ is needed. This is sadly not functioning to the fullest and as a result we share the blame of child labour.

5.Personality Development:

Personality is a perfect amalgam of a person’s physical and psychological development, manners, relationship with other members of the society, optimistic attitude and many other factors. Now a days management skill including time management, soft skills, health and leadership qualities also play an important role in shaping ones personality.

Practice of Yoga, meditation and regular exercise can keep a person fit. For learning time management one can keep small goals and try to complete the same in a limited time span. We must be polite while speaking with others. Our behaviour should not be aggressive. One must be a good listener and should be proactive rather than being reactive. Creative vision, optimism arise from within. Reading, knowledge about the world matters a lot.

Possessing all these qualities, increase the confidence of the person which is ultimately reflected in his character. Our positive gestures, while speaking, our being social help us to climb the ladder of success. To learn all these qualities, one must keep aside the ego. One should avoid backbiting and should always help others whenever needed. One should be confident enough, always try to learn new things and be one’s ownself. All these qualities cannot be achieved overnight. Some of these come from within while some can be achieved. Including all these qualities in a person’s character creates a good personality.

6. Health and Fitness

It is said that ‘Health is wealth’. Health in medical term does not only mean free of diseases but it also means a state of being well. A healthy person should be able to do his daily chores, his occupation. A healthy or physically fit person is able to face changes in the surrounding.

Health and fitness can be achieved by various ways such as intake of nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle, maintenance of hygiene, regular exercise or yoga and meditation. Not only this but a person’s positive attitude towards life matters the most. Proper and nutritious diet can keep you physically fit but meditation and yoga along with optimistic attitude keep one mentally fit. Regular practice of yoga and mediation reduces stress, blood sugar level and various other health issues like blood pressure and hyperacidity.

Now a days almost all human beings including kids are found to be under stress. Industrialization and computerization has no doubt made human life easy but created many health and fitness issue. There is a competition in every walk of life and one must survive the same. The basic need is therefore to stay healthy and fit. One can achieve it by going to gym, practising yoga and meditation, running, walking, cycling, aerobics, dance, swimming, playing outdoor games and many others. Practising any of these is the key of maintaining health. To maintain health and fitness has now become a need of the time.

7. Self Defence

Self defence means defending oneself from getting harmed. Physical self defence is the use of force for self protection. One can protect himself by being armed or unarmed too. Armed self defence allows the use of weapons for self defence while in unarmed self defence person does not use any weapon. His only weapon is his stamina and physical strength. There are some restrictions on the use of weapons. The armed force is the exception to it. Not only this, but self defence can also be achieved by avoiding the problematic situation.

Self defence techniques can be learned and learning the same is an urgent need of in today’s age. Specially women must learn it. In the changing scenario of increasing terrorism in society, it becomes a necessity for everyone to learn it. Many martial arts coaches train their students various methods of self defence. Apart from learning self defence, one must be optimistic enough to handle the problems in front of him. While handling the critical situation, everyone should trust in themselves and tackle with high level of confidence.

8. Social Dynamics

Man is a social animal. He lives in a society and is influenced by the people around him.. Our society is built on the principles of social dynamics. In society, behaviour of every person is different. People interact with one another and this results in deciding their behaviour in a group. Thus social dynamics is actually a behaviour of group which is the result of influence created by other group members. Social dynamics involve the study of interrelationship of people with one another.

When people come together in a group,they interact, share their thoughts, their ideas and knowledge. The exchange of thoughts, knowledge and ideas bring about positive change in the group behaviour, thereby bringing change in the society.

9.Communication Skills

The way of communicating to others is an important skill in a person which enables us to understand the things that are being said. Our brains develop at every stage of our life using different techniques to communicate a message. There are many different skills used to communicate a message in an effective manner.



The principles of effective communication are Listening, Speaking when required, Curiosity, Engaging and Body language. Using the principles of effective comm unication helps increase our ability to be understood. This boosts our confidence and self esteem to speak.

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