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Marking Scheme for Term I for XI                       (50M)      2.5Hrs

Section –1(Prose)

Q. 1.A) Read the extract and complete the activity given below:                                 (15M)

2 marks each

1)Global Understanding

2)Complex Factual question

3)Inference/ Interpretation/Analysis

4)Personal Response


6)Do as directed (grammar)                                                                                              (5 M)


 Section – II(Poetry)                                                                                                            (10M)

Q.2 A1. Write the appreciation of the given poem based on the following aspects.                                                                                                                                                             (5M)


A2.Questions based on textual extract of about lines from the poem.                           (5M)

1)Global Understanding

2)Complex Factual question

3)Inference/ Interpretation/Analysis

4)Personal Response

5) Poetic Device


Section – III (Writing-Skills)                                                                                                  (16M)

Four questions of 4 M each. No options will be given.


Section IV (Genre-Drama)                                                                                                   (9M)

Three short answer questions of 3 M each of max 100 words.





Section I(Prose)

1.1 Being Neighborly

1.2 On To The Summit : We Reach The Top

1.3 The Call of the Soil

Section II (Poetry)

2.1 Cherry Tree

2.2 The Sower

2.3 There is Another Sky

Section III (Writing Skills)

3.1 Expansion of Ideas

3.2 Blog Writing

3.3 E-mails

3.5 Film Review

Section IV(Genre-Drama)

4.1 History of English Drama

4.2 The Rising of the Moon


1.Degrees of Adjectives

2. Active and Passive Voice

3.Transformation of sentences( Simple , Compound and Complex)

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