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My First Blog

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

December 2020 is the last month of this unforgettable year.

The year 2020 is coming to an end...

So much has happened....the pandemic stripped us from our basic comforts.... We learnt to endure living in ways we hadn't perceived life as before...

From feeling helpless , frustrated, anxious to days of feeling deep gratitude towards all that we have been blessed with..

So much transpired between all of our minds this year...

Indefinite lives lost... Countless suffering...the touch of humanity through the front line covid warriors...

These and many more lessons from 2020.

Through all the anguish, despair, faith n aspiration, I decided to pen down about what I learnt through this year through a poetry to call in the coming year with a prayer and hope for better days for all of us...

Love, light and peace to all.

Have you lived a life that’s full to the core?

Pushing rules and lines to create space for more.

Have you travelled to places you haven’t known,

Have you seen life through the angles unknown?

Have you spent time in nature under the wonders of sky?

And let your dreams flow low and high.

Have you embraced the meadows and felt the salted air on the beach?

Suffered loss and heartbreaks to make you screech.

Have you enjoyed some art and followed your heart?

Reached out as helping hand and done your part.

Have you set goals and pushed your limits?

And scored enough missed and hits.

Your achievements may be smaller, or you could have done more,

But my friend, have you lived a life that’s full to the core?

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Ava Nick
Ava Nick
Mar 06, 2021



Animesh Roy
Animesh Roy
Jan 11, 2021

Nice blog too

Amrita Ghosh

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